“Associazione formazione professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo” (AFP Patronato) was founded in 1956 with the aim of giving to young people in economic and social difficulties professional and technical competences and abilities.
The association considers continuing education as a fundamental and strategic resource for social and economic development of companies and it always looks for new formative and learning methods.
Its three offices, in Bergamo, Clusone and Endine, are recognised by “Regione Lombardia” and they work within its vocational training and lifelong learning projects framework.
Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen (Catholic Education Flanders) was established in 1952. It is a network organisation that unites the boards of Catholic educational institutions with their schools, centers, boarding schools, colleges and universities. Catholic Education Flanders is tasked with the religious and pedagogical vision on Catholic education as well as with its vision on management and development. The organisation speaks for its members and represents them at the government, the Church and in society.
La Ligue de l’enseignement is one of France’s oldest organisations in non-formal education. Founded in 1866, it aims to guarantee access to education for everyone, regardless of their age, social and ethnic backgrounds. It further promotes a secular society, solidarity amongst citizens and active citizenship. La Ligue de l’enseignement is an association which gathers over 25,000 associations in 102 departmental and 22 regional federations with the common aim of training responsible citizens who will fulfil their duties, make full use of their rights and be active in society. These associations also work collectively against all inequalities and promote inclusion in order to build a fairer and more independent society.
The federations of La Ligue de l'enseignement and their member organizations carry out activities in the fields of education and lifelong learning, culture and media, social work for the benefit of disadvantaged people, recreational-educational activities, environment and sustainable development, international solidarity…
CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS is a non-profit association founded in 1994 and has 230 professionals working mainly in the Catalan and Spanish territories, with projects developed in Latin America and Europe. The mission of our organization is to facilitate access to the social and cultural capital of a community to people through their empowerment, the promotion of cohesion and social inclusion and the fight against social inequalities. In order to achieve this, CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS defines its frame of intervention and management (training, education, community, international projects) in a model based in a clear balance between efficiency and innovation.
CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS is responsible for the management and implementation of socio-educational activities for children, young people and adults, further training for professionals and innovative research and development in new projects and practices.
Center for Creative Training Association (CCTA) is a non-profit organisation, established to work for a change in the field of education and training. CCTA’s activities are focused on lifelong learning and youth activities.
The Center is partner for Bulgaria of the Space Camp Turkey – youth camp with STEAM program which every year attracts hundreds teenagers from European and Asian countries with an intensive program in sciences, technologies and teamwork. On national level CCTA organizes once or twice a year science camps for young people which offer a program with versatile topics for each session.
Many projects initiated and carried out by CCTA are addressing the needs of young people of meaningful education and acquisition of knowledge and skills for the 21st century.
Addressing the qualification needs of the educators, CCTA provides short term in-service training courses on programs approved and recognized by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, intended to support teachers and to develop their skills to the latest innovations and methods in the classroom. One of these programs is on Media literacy which is listed in the National register with the approved training programs for pedagogical specialists since 2017.
CCTA’s training procedures are ISO 9001:2015 certified.
The Center is member of the Bulgarian Media Literacy Coalition – an informal partnership formed in 2017 by 16 civil society organisations. It is established with the aim to support media literacy and critical thinking in Bulgarian schools, starting from the primary school stage.
CCTA is active in the implementation of educational projects, funded by EU programs, national and international donors and funds.
The Center’s main office is in Sofia and it has regional offices in Plovdiv and Varna.
Universitatea Valahia din Târgovişte, Romania / Valahia University Targoviste, Romania is a 27 years old state university which appearance was determined by objective requests of Romanian Higher Education Development, decentralization of the big university centers, but also, by the existence of the valuable human potential and old cultural and historical traditions in Dambovita Region. Nowadays, UVT structure comprises 10 faculties and 3 departments that propose 34 bachelor degree specializations (long-term courses of 3 or 4 years), 34 master’s degree programmes (courses of 1-2 years), 6 doctoral studies directions, but also teacher training courses and distance / lifelong learning courses. At present, around 7000 students attend all forms of study under the competent guidance of approximately 300 teachers, organized in 19 educational departments.
The CNOS-FAP Federation, National Centre of Salesian Institutions - Vocational Training and Updating, is an Italian association founded on December 9th, 1977. It coordinates the Italian Salesian VET Centres who provide a public service in vocational guidance, initial, higher, and continuous vocational education, and training, following the educational methodology of St. John Bosco. It is a non-profit organization, representing in Italy the Salesians’ commitment towards the delivery of VET services and programs, particularly addressed to marginalized youth. At the national level, The CNOS-FAP Federation operates in 16 Italian Regions with 60 Centres, coordinated by the National Office, active in VET field mainly through:
- Providing vocational guidance and counselling services for youth and adults.
- Planning and delivering courses and modules in different fields, in the settings of initial and Higher
Vocational Education and Training, and of adult education.
- Designing and implementing continuous vocational training paths tailored to the needs of industries and of actors of the private sector, building up partnerships with them at international level.
Nowadays, CNOS-FAP Federation is fully equipped and is available to enable vocational training for youth and adults in many sectors, regarding the following areas:
- Industrial engineering
- Civil and Industrial electrical and automation systems
- Basic and advanced information technology
- Company secretary and desk work
- Graphic Design & Multimedia
- Hotel and Hospitality
- Car Mechanics
- Energy