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Find out how the #RainBowErasmusPlus Final Conference developed
On the 28th of September, Brussels was the scenario of the Final Conference of the RAIN.BOW (Raise Against Intolerance, New Bridges On...
Everything ready for the RAIN.BOW project Final Conference
Brussels will be the scenario of the Final Conference of the RAIN.BOW (Raise Against Intolerance, New Bridges On the Web) project. A day...
The #RainBowErasmusPlus Summer Camp is over!
During a full week around 40 students between 14 and 19 years old together with 25 teachers and role models have worked cooperatively,...
The European Values Camp is here!
From July the 3rd to the 9th around 40 students between 14 and 19 years old together with 25 teachers and role models will work together...
Here I am. Let me introduce myself. I'm Alessandro, I'm 18 years old and I live in a society where hate speech, negative comments and...
Hate speech
This is our awareness campaign. share our question. Participate by answering our question: which side are you on? who do you want to be?...
European report
As nationalism and xenophobia are increasing in Europe, the RAINBOW project aims to promote social inclusion and positive EU values...
RAIN.BOW Project
Hi everyone! My name is Rebecca and today I will show you the project RAIN.BOW! RAISE AGAINST INTOLERANCE NEW BRIDGES ON THE WEB Why are...
How do you think civic education in Italy could be improved? Gabriele, 18, Italy "In order to improve civic education in Italy,...
Be a good citizen
Quali comportamenti ritieni importanti per essere un buon cittadino? Gabriele, 18 anni, Italia. "Per me i comportamenti più importanti...
Fake news, violent comments
How do you react if you see fake news or violent comments on social media? Camilla, 17 anni, Italia "I usually look for the source of the...
Violence on social media
Have you ever experienced violent situations on social media? Camilla, 17 anni, Italia "Unfortunately, i have received several violence...
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